Student Beans is a digital platform that offers student discounts. Student Beans is partnered
with over 650 of the world’s biggest brands across fashion, technology, food, entertainment
and more, and has power a global network of students in over 150 countries.
Check out some of these Student Beans deals:
Boohoo: 15% Student Discount
Misguided: 10% Student Discount
Gym Shark: 10% Student Discount
Domino’s: 35% Student Discount when you €25 online
Nasty Gal: 57% Student Discount
The ISIC also have so many more benefits than just access to Student Beans. The ISIC card currently offers 160,000 discounts spread over 130+ countries from educational courses, software licenses, digital communications, public transport and magazine subscriptions, to music streaming, café and eateries, music festivals, theme parks, sporting events, world heritage sites and more!
Wait, there’s more? Yes! Not only do you get access to exclusive online discounts but the
card also works as an ID. The card is recognised by universities, academic institutions,
student unions, national governments, financial institutions and ministries of education
around the world.
Get an ISIC card today!